In Christian primary school, I was taught from Revelation 22 that we are not to "add to" nor "take away from", and this was considered extremely serious. However, they never once taught that we are not to "add to" nor "take away from" the Law, as it says explicitly in Deuteronomy 4:2 and 12:32. Instead, and contrary to those passages, I was told repeatedly that various commandments had been "taken away" due to some sort of "new revelation". However, changing the Torah is an extremely serious matter and is just as serious as it always has been, and it remains a component of the test for prophets. Those who seek, through their supposed revelations, to thrust us from the way which YHWH has commanded us to walk are false prophets, plain and simple (Dt 13:5). Thus, there is never an allowance for Torah obedience to become unnecessary!
One can choose to listen to the original belief system set up for God's people, or one can choose to disbelieve and discredit the words in the Torah. If one chooses the latter, know full well that without the Torah being true, there is no way the NT can be true, and similarly, with the Torah being true, there is no way the Pauline anti-law teachings can be true either. One cannot say that, "God doesn't mean what He says," and just go on like one was never the wiser. YHWH loves Israel, which possibly includes the reader (as possible blood descendants from the dispersed and lost of Israel), but "[c]ursed is the one who does not confirm all the words of this law by doing them!" (Dt 27:26)
(From prior posting on Gr. 6/13/14 from author's previous works)